Travel back in time with the famous Lady with the Lamp and learn about her life, in particular the impact she had on nursing and the sanitisation of our hospitals

During this workshop, the children will:

  • Recreate the Victorian period within which Florence was working
  • Travel back to the Satari hospital during the Crimean War and using improvisation, explore this challenging environment
  • Discover what it might have been like to be a nurse or soldier during the war
  • Learn about Mary Seacole and the prejudice she faced at the time
  • Act out the story of Florence, using a poem for inspiration

What people are saying about this workshop:

“On behalf of all of the Year 2 team and the children I would like to thank Lillie for a wonderful morning for our children. They had a super experience. The Florence Nightingale workshop was informative, fun and exceptionally well organised. Lillie’s interaction with the children was exemplary and we look forward to welcoming you back next year for another wonderful workshop. ”

Claire - Teacher, Feltonfleet School

“The children really enjoyed the session and it was something that, as a school, we would not have been able to deliver. Every child left the session with an increased knowledge of Florence Nightingale. We enjoyed the practical nature – bandaging their teddy bears and being able to act out parts of Florence Nightingale’s life.”

Lauren, Year 2 Teacher, Hurst Park Primary School

“wow! We were absolutely blown away. All four classes thoroughly enjoyed their hour-long workshop and the variety and range as well as the standard of activities Nikita did with our Year 1/2 children was incredible! I can’t believe how much she covered and it kickstarted our Theme, ‘Oh! What a Light!’ off amazingly well. “

Teacher : Year 1, Hyndburn Primary School 2024

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