Our professional actor will lead the children on a fun exploration of ‘all things Shakespeare’, helping them to appreciate how exciting and accessible his work can be. Through voice exercises, storytelling, text work and improvisation, the children will be encouraged to free inhibitions and discover the confidence to perform his work!

During this workshop, the children will:

  • Prepare their voices for performance
  • Discuss / be introduced to the story of Macbeth
  • Explore Shakespearean text and the rich use of language

  • Create an atmospheric scene; physically and vocally
  • Look at characterisation using the witches from Macbeth
  • Develop a short performance piece

What people are saying about this workshop:

“Fantastic workshop. Delivered with brilliant skills and energy. Children very engaged and helped them become familiar with the story of Macbeth.

Josh - Teacher, Nightingale Primary School

“The Drama Hut were amazing, very helpful and accommodating while we were making the arrangements for the workshop to take place. The actor who came was excellent with the children and kept them engaged at all times. She was very informative while also making the workshop fun and exciting. We will use The Drama Hut again for future workshops in our school.”

Hannah - Teacher, Isaac Newton Primary

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